How to Get More Product Reviews on your Shopify Store

Joao Vieira


Last Mile Experience

May 2, 2024 - 5min read


How to Get More Product Reviews on your Shopify Store

You’re shopping online and after a good amount of browsing you have narrowed down the final choice to two products. 

Without even looking at any product specifications, 70% of online shoppers will go for the second product based on customer reviews. These have now become an essential part of sales and brand building. 

What can Customer Reviews do for your online business?

├── Build Trust and Credibility

├── Influence Buying Decisions

├── Enhance SEO

├── Help in Improving Products and Services

├── Gather Customer Insights

├── Increase Sales

The philosophy here is simple: A customer review can lead to a sale, free of cost. 

In the long run, these reviews will automate not just conversions but so much more. So, if you are an e-commerce manager, it’s high time to add customer reviews to your marketing arsenal. Here’s how you can get started.

8 Best Practices to Get More Product Reviews

1. Simplify the Review Process

The easier it is for customers to leave a review, the more likely they will do so. Ensure that the review process is straightforward and accessible:

  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure that the review interface is mobile-friendly, as many customers browse and shop on their mobile devices.
  • Fewer Fields: Minimize the number of fields required to submit a review. Name, rating, and a short comment should suffice.

2. Incentivize Reviews

Offering incentives can significantly increase your review collection rate. Customers are more likely to take the time to write a review if there is something in it for them.

  • Discounts and Coupons: Offer a discount code or a coupon for future purchases as a thank you for submitting a review.
  • Loyalty Points: If you have a loyalty program, offer points for each review submitted.

3. Send Follow-up Emails

Automated follow-up emails can be a powerful tool to encourage customers to leave reviews. Timing these emails is crucial:

  • Purchase Follow-up: Send an initial thank-you email immediately after purchase and a follow-up email requesting a review after the customer has received and used the product.
  • Personalization: Personalize the emails with the customer’s name and details about the purchased products to increase engagement.

4. Leverage Social Proof

Utilizing existing reviews can help generate new ones. When customers see that others are actively reviewing products, they’re more likely to contribute.

  • Showcase Reviews Prominently: Display reviews prominently on your product pages, homepage, and even in your email marketing.
  • Social Media: Share positive reviews on your social media channels and encourage satisfied customers to spread the word.

5. Respond to Reviews

Engaging with reviews shows that you value customer feedback and can encourage others to leave their own reviews.

  • Thank All Reviewers: Express gratitude to those who leave reviews, regardless of the sentiment.
  • Address Negative Reviews: Respond professionally to negative reviews and offer to resolve any issues. This not only potentially salvages a customer relationship but also shows others that you’re committed to customer satisfaction.

6. Use Product Review Tools

Several tools can automate the review collection process and integrate seamlessly with Shopify:

  • Yotpo: Yotpo helps Shopify store owners generate reviews through its automated email system and makes it easy to share these on social networks.
  • This tool offers a robust review platform that is cost-effective and includes features like review photos and Q&A.

7. Educate Your Customers

Sometimes customers don’t leave reviews because they don’t understand the importance. Educating them about how their reviews can help others make informed decisions can encourage participation.

  • Blog Posts: Write blog posts about the importance of reviews and how they help other customers.
  • Product Pages: Include a note on product pages encouraging customers to leave a review after their purchase.

8. Offer Multichannel Review Options

Allow customers to leave reviews through various channels. Some might prefer direct emails, others might like using social media platforms, and some might use your website.

  • Integrate with Social Media: Enable reviews directly on your social media platforms and integrate these with your Shopify store.
  • SMS Reviews: If you have customer phone numbers, consider sending a text message to ask for a review, especially if they are frequent mobile users.

4 Additional Insights to Give You a Competitive Edge

User-Generated Reviews 

User-generated content in reviews typically includes photos, videos, and detailed textual descriptions that offer prospective buyers a real-life perspective on the product, beyond professional images and descriptions. These can boost conversion rates by up to 161%

Review Count Matters

The presence of a larger number of reviews enhances the credibility of the average rating, giving potential buyers more confidence. A product page with 50 or more customer reviews then it can lead to a 4.6% increase in conversion rates. 

Influencer Reviews as Testimonials

Featuring influencer reviews as testimonials on your product pages, social media, or other marketing materials will not only enhance product credibility but also encourage your regular customers to add their voices. When a customer sees an influencer leave a detailed review, it acts as a precedent that encourages them to provide their own feedback.

Create Community Forums and Q&A Sections

By hosting community forums and Q&A sections, you encourage customers to voice their product experience as a way of helping other first-time consumers—a win-win for them and your business. They will be one of your business’ best sources of unprompted, organic, honest customer reviews. 

Increasing the number of product reviews on your Shopify store requires a multi-faceted approach that focuses on simplifying the review process, incentivizing customers, and actively engaging with them. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your store’s credibility, attract more customers, and ultimately boost sales.


Faisel Azeez

Faisel Azeez

Co-Founder & CTO


Joao Vieira

Joao Vieira


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