Carriyo's Architecture

Carriyo is a real-time, event-driven platform designed for massive scale on Amazon Web Services (AWS). We connect millions of shipments to millions of customers, processing billions of events. Every millisecond saved per event translates into hundreds of hours saved for our clients and their customers.

Architecture Principles

Carriyo is a multi-tenant SaaS platform built on cloud-native architecture principles. The platform is designed with a headless, API-first framework based on microservices, ensuring flexibility, scalability, and seamless integration with external systems.


Carriyo is built on a microservices architecture, connecting with multiple external systems such as third-party carriers, communication gateways, and e-commerce platforms. Its modular design leverages composable microservices, allowing each business function to be independently developed, deployed, and managed. This ensures that individual services can be updated or scaled without impacting the rest of the system.


Carriyo follows an API-first approach, ensuring a clean separation between front-end applications and back-end logic. APIs are decoupled into distinct microservices, making the platform implementation-agnostic. This enables merchants to integrate their existing systems with the Carriyo API, offering the flexibility to replace any part of Carriyo’s front-end with their own systems.


Carriyo is cloud-native, built to leverage cloud infrastructure for storage, hosting, and elastic scaling. The platform automatically updates with the latest technological advancements, ensuring continuous performance improvements and adaptability over time.

Building Blocks

Carriyo isolates and stores client data in AWS servers within Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks, operating under a secure multi-tenant model. It uses serverless and auto-scaling compute resources to optimize performance, reliability, and cost efficiency.

Key Technologies

  • Compute : AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service), AWS Lambda
  • Databases : DynamoDB, Redis, AWS SQS
  • Front-End : HTML, JavaScript, React
  • Languages & Frameworks : Java, Node.js

Carriyo’s architecture ensures high scalability, flexibility, and reliability, providing a robust foundation for managing complex shipping and logistics operations at scale.